FirST Love hidden screen

Hi everyone, Like in every oldschool demos, FirST Love is having a hidden screen. After almost a week of search, it has been found by some of you so it’s now time, to unveil how to find your way to it: Start the demo and wait until you reach the point where there’s the ‘Pong’

FirST Love spaceship’s challenge is OVER

Hello guys, We would like to thank everyone who took part in our challenge. That was really fun and at least, it enabled to exchange with you all. We’ve got a winner which means that there will be a lot of people disappointed :(. We feel very sorry for them but you know how it

SV2020+1 detailed results

Hi everyone, Grey/Mystic Bytes just released the detailed results for each compo. As this is the OVR site, we’re just copying the results in which we did compete. Atari ST/STe YM Chiptune compo 1 Akira vs San Goku vs Ip Man Jess France 7.518 2 BB4 (Blip Bait For the masses) Jess France 7.024 3

SV2020+1 OVR results

YM Chiptune compo Jess takes 1st and 2nd places with Akira vs San Goku vs IP man and BB4 (Blip Bait for the masses) respectively. M0dmate takes 3rd place with Taolectikal. Incredible performance by Jess. Jeez, I’ve got to say that “Akira …” is totally my taste. Funny story about it is that I used