Hello guys,

We would like to thank everyone who took part in our challenge. That was really fun and at least, it enabled to exchange with you all. We’ve got a winner which means that there will be a lot of people disappointed :(. We feel very sorry for them but you know how it works.

And the winner is ………. Douglas Alves aka Skaven – The Invisibles/The Masters. Douglas, we congratulate you for your win ! We know how hard it was to identify all those shoot them ups. To be honest, we were having some doubts on if anyone would win this.

So now, you may wonder what the price is. As you may not know, all contributors to the demo will have a FirST Love T-Shirt designed, for the occasion, by Mic himself. The price is this T-Shirt but with your nickname on it.

Unfortunately, we’ve just XS size so I hope it fits for you ;-). I’m kidding of course.

Congrats again. Thanks to everyone who participated.

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