‘4K-Memory’ ranked #1 at Revision 2022 in 4K Oldschool compo

Wow! The very first official collaboration between Oxygene and Overlanders ranked #1 in the Oldschool 4K Intro compo at Revision 2022 last week-end. That’s an outstanding achievement considering the very high level of the competition and was, frankly, totally unexpected. So thanks to everyone who did vote for 4K-Memory. The results were very close. Let’s

Jurassic Pack#19 interview

Wow guys! We were so surprised when Ghandy (Lars Obiraj) kindly proposed us to make an interview for the famous Jurassic Pack Amiga diskmag. Of course we were very honored and accepted almost instantly. The questions focus on “FirST Love”, our comeback to the demoscene, our perception of demo parties and other demoscenes. We’ll hope